Routines & Rituals for anyone who is in business

Mindset: being a business owner or manager is a tough journey - you need to keep your head in the game and keep motivated and focused every single day. The best way to do this is though our routines. As our routines become our habits and this become who we are.

Implementing routines and rituals help us to become better at what ever we are aiming to achieve, but in business it is very important to be motivated and have a positive mindset so that you can achieve the goals at hand. 

Think about what the first 59 minutes of your day look like? 
Do you start by picking up your phone and look at all the negative information on social media? Do you start by turning off your alarm and going back to sleep? Or do you have a positive routine?

As a business coach, I help clients take their business to the next level, but change in business needs to be paired with beneficial routines and rituals in your daily life! Here are 5 routines that you can implement into your daily routine.

For the first 59 minutes of your day, you can choose to implement as many of the routines below:

1. Meditation

You need to find a quiet space, then sit down and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. By focusing on your breathing you will clear your mind and this helps to set the tone for your day! Some say meditation is a pallet cleanser for your day. 

You can make use of YouTube and find a short meditation video to help you get in the zone.

2. I am statements or affirmations

Take a piece of paper and write "I AM....." Do this 10 - 20 times and write what you want to achieve as if they have already happened. 

For example "I am a money maker" "I am a great team leader". "This month I closed 30 business deals". You need to write down the target that you aim and dream of achieving, like it has already happened. This helps you "plant seeds" in your subconscious. Read over your "I AM STATEMENTS" every morning and every night - this will help you push yourself out of your comfort zone. It is a great way to become the business owner or person that you want to be!

3. Gratitude Journal

Every single day, you need to record 3 things that you are grateful for. Sometimes you can get into a rutt and complain about many things in your life. You need to get into a habit and acknowledge 3 things that in your life that you are grateful for.

If you are having an bad day, then you need to go back and read your gratitude journal and this will help reset your mind and make you realise all the positive things in your life. Remember that "What you are truly grateful for, you get more of".

4. Exercise

Whatever it may be - get the endorphins! You get one body in this life and you need to look after it. Exercise is great for your mental health and you should try to get your body moving in a way that you enjoy.

5. Audiobooks / Podcasts

If you have dead time, then listen to inspirational audio books. You can find audio books on YouTube, The App Store or Google play! It is important to find something that you want to learn more about, such as How to become better at sales, Tips for business owners or just inspirational audio books that will help motivate you!

It is very important to try to incorporate one of these rituals into your daily routine, but you need to be consistent and this will help you progress your mindset and positivity!

To be successful in business and in whatever you do, YOUR mindset is KEY! How we think, impacts how we act and the results we get in life.


I work with open-minded business owner in person and via Zoom to help look at ways to fine tune or improve your businesses. If you want to turn around your mindset so that you can achieve better business results then get in touch with us today!

Contact Megan on for a complementary Zoom Coaching session.

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