Don't go on leave without a plan for 2021!

By Coach Hein

This year will certainly be burned into the collective memories of business owners and one of the most challenging ever. No one was prepared for the lockdown and the emotional and physical bourdon on business owners was substantial.  The reality is that all our clients have survived the lockdown period and the majority are now posting very strong results as economic activity resumed.

 When lockdown struck all business owners had to redo their 2020 business plans to adapt to the rapidly changing reality and needed several short term tactical interventions to simply survive. The year has been very draining for most business owners and it is very important to take some time off to recharge the batteries for 2021 that will undoubtable be full of opportunities for business owners.

 It is a important period right now to reflect and to also plan for 2021.  Although it is very tempting to start checking out mentally it is very important to ensure that as a business owner you are absolutely clear on your business and marketing plan for 2021. When we go through the process of planning we set SMART goals and through the use of our Reticular Activating System our sub conscious mind will start working very hard to figure out out how to realise our business goals. We help business owners to set clear 90 day goals and then hold them accountable to achieving them. 

 Now is the time to make sure you and your team are one hundred percent clear on your business plan and SMART goals for the next 90 days flowing into 2021.  You absolutely do not want to start 2021 without a plan

January is traditionally a slow month in most industries and you want to hit the ground running and executing your plan to ensure consistent profitability and cash flows. 

 Need help with planning or setting the right SMART goals for your business, reach out to us….

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